光陰矢の如し(Time flies like an arrow)


光陰矢の如し(こういん やのごとし)」とは、時間が過ぎるのは矢のように速いという意味のことわざです。








→ 学生時代があっという間に過ぎたことを実感する場面。

→ 1年が早く感じるときに使う。


→ 若い時間はすぐに過ぎるから、しっかり努力しようという意味。

→ 限られた時間を大切にすることの重要性を伝えている。



「少年老いやすく学成り難し」(しょうねん おいやすく がく なりがたし)
→ 若い時間はあっという間に過ぎるが、学問を習得するのは難しい。だから時間を大切にしなければならない。

「歳月人を待たず」(さいげつ ひとを またず)
→ 時間は止まることなく流れ、人を待ってはくれない。

「一寸の光陰軽んずべからず」(いっすんのこういん かろんずべからず)
→ わずかな時間でも大切にしなければならない。


“Time flies like an arrow.”
→ 「時間は矢のように飛ぶ」(直訳)
→ 「時間があっという間に過ぎる」という意味で、「光陰矢の如し」と同じニュアンス。

“Lost time is never found again.”
→ 「失われた時間は二度と戻らない」(ベンジャミン・フランクリンの言葉)
→ 一度過ぎた時間は取り戻せないので、大切にしようという意味。










Kouin yano yatotoshi” is a proverb meaning that time passes as fast as an arrow.
Kouin” refers to months, days, and hours, while ‘yanogotoshi’ is an analogy for an arrow that flies as fast as an arrow. In other words, the proverb teaches that time flies by so quickly that it must be cherished.

Origin of “Kouin-yin-ya no yashi” (“Like an arrow, like an arrow flies”)
This proverb is said to have its roots in the Chinese classic “Zoukou Kenbun” (増広賢文).
The original text is,
The original text reads, “Kouin shisen, jitsugetsu jyosah (Arrows like light and shade, the sun and moon like shuttlecocks).
The literal translation is: “Time flies like an arrow,
The original text reads, “Time flies away like an arrow, while the moon and the sun come and go like a shuttle* in a loom.
The literal translation is “time flies away like an arrow, and the moon and the sun come and go like a shuttle*.

The shuttle is a tool used to thread the weft yarn during weaving, and it moves quickly.

In Japan, it was popularized in the form “koin yin yani no yoni” (like an arrow in the light and shade) and came to be used to describe the speed of the flow of time.

Meaning and Usage of “Kouin-yin-ya-no-yashi
This proverb is used when one realizes the importance of time and how quickly time passes.

When you realize how fast time is passing
I realize that I have already graduated…. It really is like the passing of time.”
→ When you realize how quickly your student days have flown by.

When you realize that your student days have gone by so fast. It’s just like the light of an arrow.
→ Used when the year seems to go by quickly.

When promoting awareness of the importance of time
It’s like the arrow in the light. You must study hard while you are young.
→ This means to make a strong effort because time passes quickly when you are young.

If you keep working, your life will be over before you know it. It’s just like the arrow in the light.
→ It conveys the importance of making the most of the limited time we have.

Proverbs and expressions with similar meanings
Japanese proverb
It is easy for a boy to grow old and difficult for a student to learn.
→ Young people’s time passes in a flash, but learning is difficult. Therefore, we must cherish our time.

Time and tide wait for no man.
→ Time flows without stopping and does not wait for one.

Do not disregard a moment’s light.
→ Even the smallest amount of time should be cherished.

Expressions in English
“Time flies like an arrow.”
→ “Time flies like an arrow.”
(literal translation) → “Time flies like an arrow.” The meaning is the same as “Time flies like an arrow.

“Lost time is never found again.”
→ “Lost time is never found again.” (Benjamin Franklin’s words)
→ It means that once time has passed, it cannot be regained, so we should cherish it.

The lesson conveyed by “time is like an arrow
Time is finite and should be used carefully.
Time cannot be regained, so if you spend it idly, you will regret it later.
The phrase “time is like an arrow” teaches us the importance of spending quality time doing what we can now, not what we can do later.

Growth and effort should begin early.
For example, it is important to be aware of your studies, learning job skills, and health care while you are still young.
If we procrastinate, saying, “I still have time,” we will age quickly and regret it.

Be aware of change and enjoy life
There are many moments in our lives when we realize that “life is as good as the light.
When you feel, “I used to be ____, and now so much time has passed,” it is important to remember to cherish the present moment.

☑“Kouin yin yashi” is a proverb meaning that time passes as fast as an arrow.
☑It originates from the Chinese classic “Zeng Guang Xian Wen” and is used in Japan as an expression to convey the importance of time.
☑There are many proverbs with similar meanings, such as “It is easy for a boy to grow old and difficult to learn” and “Age and time wait for no man.
☑Because time is finite, it is important to strive toward your goals and live in the present moment.

Time cannot be stopped or turned back.
Therefore, cherish the present moment and live a fulfilling life.







  1. 似たもの夫婦(Like married couple)

  2. 鬼の居ぬ間に洗濯(Laundry while the demons are away)

  3. 偽善系インフルエンサー(Hypocritical influencers)

  4. いい質問ですねぇ!(That’s a good question!)

  5. 二階から目薬(Eye drops from the second floor)

  6. ライフライン(Lifeline)

  7. 灯台下暗し(Dark under the lighthouse)

  8. 鬼が笑う(Ogre laughs)

  9. ガーデニング(Gardening)

  10. 馬の耳に念仏(Sutra in the horse’s ears)