四面楚歌(Enemies all around us)


































Shimensoka” is a Japanese proverb that describes a desperate situation in which one is surrounded by enemies on all sides and has nowhere to run. Originally, it is an ancient Chinese proverb originating from an ancient war, and is used when one is in a desperate situation.

Etymology and Historical Background
The origin of the phrase “under siege” can be traced back to a major Chinese battle in 202 B.C., known as the Ch’u-Han War. This battle took place between the Han Chinese army led by Liu Bang (later the first Emperor of the Han Dynasty) and the Chuxian army led by Huang Yu of the Chuxian Dynasty. The specific episodes are as follows.

Background of the Chuxia-Han War
Huang Yu of Chuxu was an extremely powerful general and had long been invincible on the battlefield. Liu Bang, on the other hand, rose from the ranks of the weak and eventually challenged Huang. The two armies fought many fierce battles, and finally the Chuxian army was besieged in the “Battle of Gaika”.

Isolation of the Chuxian Army
The Chuxian army was completely surrounded by the Han forces and was forced into a desperate situation with enemy forces on all sides. At this time, the Han forces had the Chuxian army sing songs of their homeland from all sides throughout the night to demoralize the Chuxian army. Hearing the songs of their hometown coming from all directions, the soldiers of Chuxi were demoralized by the misunderstanding that Chuxi had already been ruled by Liu Bang and that they had no place to return to.

The End of Terminus
The Chuxu army collapses, and Hanyu realizes his defeat in a hopeless situation. He finally ended the battle by taking his own life. This episode is the origin of the expression “under siege.

When used figuratively, “under siege” refers to the following situations

being isolated and without support
It describes a situation in which there is no one to support you, you are surrounded on all sides by enemies and critics, and there is no escape. For example, it can refer to a situation in an organization or group where none of your peers will help you, or where you are under pressure from outside forces.

Hopeless situation.
This is a situation in which hostiles and obstacles exist on all sides, there is no escape mentally or physically, and no matter how you act, you feel that things will not get better. It is used to describe a feeling of pressure and isolation where no improvement can be expected no matter what is done.

Usage of “under siege” in the modern world
In modern society, the expression “under siege” is sometimes used in business, human relations, and political situations.

Business situations
The expression “under siege” is sometimes used to describe a situation in which a company is under criticism from several departments or superiors at the same time and has no allies in a company project. For example, a situation in which a manager of a company in financial distress finds himself isolated under pressure from both inside and outside the company.

Human relations
A situation in which friends and colleagues around you at school or at work leave one after another and isolate you is also described as “under siege. It is also sometimes used to emphasize so-called bullying or exclusion from one’s peer group.

Political Situations
A situation in which a politician or leader loses supporters and becomes isolated among opponents and critics can also be described as “under siege. This expression is especially common when a leader loses the support of those who trusted him or her and finds himself or herself in a situation of isolation and helplessness.

The Lesson of “Under Siege
Although “under siege” is a term for hopelessness and isolation, there are several lessons to be learned.

The importance of strategy
The failure of the clan was in its failure to prevent itself from being besieged in military strategy. The lesson is that no matter how powerful you are, if you are isolated, you will not be able to demonstrate your power. This shows that even in the modern world, cooperation with others and strategic planning are essential for success.

Dialogue to Prevent Isolation
To avoid a situation of “under siege,” it is important to engage in dialogue and build trust with those around you. No matter how capable you are, it is important to cooperate with and gain the support of those around you, because isolation makes it difficult to overcome the situation.

The term “under siege” is used when one is trapped in a desperate situation, describing a situation where one is isolated and under pressure from all sides. The term originated in historical Chinese wars and is still used in many contemporary situations. It has a didactic meaning that teaches us the importance of avoiding isolation and cooperating with others in life and work.









  1. 臭い物に蓋をする(Cover up stinky things)

  2. 金<健康(Money < Health)

  3. 四面楚歌(Enemies all around us)

  4. 電気自動車=エコ?(Electric Vehicles = Eco?)

  5. どや顔(Triumphant look)

  6. 新型インフルエンザ(New type of influenza)

  7. 無縁社会(Unrelated society)

  8. へそが茶を沸かす(Navel boils tea)

  9. 高齢社会の土台(The foundation of an aging society)

  10. 一寸の虫にも五分の魂(Even the smallest bug has a soul)