コロンブスの卵(Columbus egg)



この表現は、クリストファー・コロンブス(Christopher Columbus)にまつわる有名な逸話に由来します。





























Columbus’ egg” is an expression meaning that anyone can come up with something, but until you actually try it, you will not know how easy it is or how novel the idea is. In short, it expresses the idea that there is value in being the first to come up with and do something that seems so simple.

This expression comes from a famous anecdote about Christopher Columbus.

Anecdotal Background
The original story behind this proverb is the events that followed Columbus’ discovery of the New World. Some people took a dismissive attitude toward his feat, saying that anyone could have done it if they wanted to. In response, Columbus proposed a simple challenge.

The challenge
Columbus asked the people present to “try to stand an egg. They all tried, but of course found it impossible. The egg always rolled, and no one succeeded.

Columbus’ Solution
Columbus lightly cracked the bottom of the egg and used the flat surface to stand it up. When people saw this, they said, “Isn’t that easy?” Columbus replied, “Sure, it looks easy enough, but it is important to do it first.

From this episode, “Columbus’ egg” came to be used to mean “It looks easy, but it is important to be the first to think of it and do it, and the idea has unique value.

Detailed Meaning and Lessons Learned
The value of being a pioneer
The expression “Columbus’ egg” emphasizes the importance of being the first to discover or conceive of something. As a result, even if an idea or invention is simple, coming up with it and putting it into action is considered an original act. The lesson is that even if everyone feels that it could be done, the first person to do it is the innovator, and his or her actions are to be commended.

The Power of Simple Solutions
When solutions to things are simple, others tend to underestimate their value. But simplicity can be effective, and it is important to appreciate the insight and creativity of the first person to find that simple way.

Foresight and Execution
The anecdote of “Columbus’ Egg” illustrates the importance of not just having an idea, but also executing it. Even though many people may be theoretically capable of doing something, being the first to take action is essential to forging a new path.

Applications of “Columbus’ Egg” in Modern Times
The “Columbus’ Egg” concept is still important today in many different fields. In business, technology, science, and the arts, simple yet innovative ideas have changed the lives of many people and created new markets.

Business Examples
When a company or startup launches a new product or service, the idea is sometimes hailed as “Columbus’ egg. For example, the introduction of the iPhone was a seemingly simple device, but its innovation and impact were immeasurable. Many people will say later, “A touch-screen smartphone seems like such a simple invention,” but there is great value in being the first to make it a reality.

Examples of Technology
Sometimes technological innovations are also “Columbus’ eggs. For example, the initial idea that laid the foundation for a technology that, in hindsight, seems like “anyone could have thought of it,” such as the Internet, and its realization are extremely important.

Example of Science
Scientific discoveries and theories are also sometimes referred to as “Columbus’ egg. Especially when a simple theory or experimental method that explains a phenomenon is later recognized as groundbreaking, the scientist who first proposed it is given credit.

Similar proverbs and expressions
It is darkest under the light
means that something important is close at hand, but we are not aware of it. Indicates that a simple solution or idea may be difficult to see.

The mother of invention is necessity.
The concept is similar to “Columbus’ egg” in the sense that necessity gives birth to new ideas and solutions.

The phrase “Columbus’ egg” is an expression that emphasizes the value of being the first to come up with and implement even seemingly simple ideas. This proverb, which tells us how important it is to be the first to get things done and to find simple solutions, applies to many situations today. It offers a very useful lesson in the importance of creativity, foresight, and execution.









  1. 赤子の手をひねる(Twist baby’s hand)

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  3. お金に働かされる人々(People who are made to work for money)

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  5. ドローン(Drone)

  6. 化けの皮を剝がす(Peel off the disguise)

  7. 草食男子(Herbivore boy)

  8. 頭隠して尻隠さず(Hide your head, don’t hide your butt)

  9. (消えた)年金(Disappeared) pension

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