アーバンベア(urban bear)
















予防策: クマが都市部に侵入しないようにするための対策が進められています。例えば、ゴミの管理を徹底したり、クマが好む果物を街中に放置しないようにしたりすることが推奨されています。
共存のあり方: 人間とクマの共存をどうするかという問題が浮上しており、クマの生息域を保護しつつ、人間社会への影響を最小限にする方法を模索することが求められています。

What is “Urban Bear?”

The term “urban bear” has become a buzzword in Japan to describe wild bears that appear in urban areas. The reason why this term has become a buzzword is due to the recent increase in the number of bears frequently appearing in human settlements and urban areas.

meaning of “urban bear
The term “urban bear” was coined by combining the words “urban” and “bear. Originally, wild bears are creatures that inhabit mountainous and forested areas, but in recent years they are increasingly appearing in and around urban areas in search of food. In particular, they can be seen in residential areas, farmlands, and even near schools and commercial establishments, and these bears have come to be known as “urban bears.

background and causes
Insufficient food: Deforestation and expansion of farmland have reduced the bears’ habitat, making it impossible for them to find sufficient food in the mountains. This is one of the main reasons bears are appearing in human-inhabited areas.
Coexistence pressure with humans: Due to urban expansion and increased human activities, bear habitats and human living areas are increasingly overlapping. In particular, fields where fruits and vegetables remain and the presence of food in garbage attract bears.

why “urban bears” have attracted attention
Increased risk: The presence of bears in urban areas increases the risk of human casualties. Bears are large, powerful animals that can be extremely dangerous when aggressive. Their appearance in urban areas causes great concern to people and has become a social issue.
Media coverage: The term “urban bear” became widespread through news and social networking coverage and discussion. In particular, the term gained currency as people talked about sightings and the measures to take when encountering bears.

countermeasures and future issues
Preventive measures: Measures are being taken to prevent bears from entering urban areas. For example, it is recommended that garbage be managed thoroughly and that fruits, which bears love, not be left on the streets.
Coexistence: The question of how humans and bears can coexist has been raised, and there is a need to find ways to minimize the impact of bears on human society while protecting their habitat.
The term “urban bear” is more than just a buzzword; it has become a symbolic term that prompts us to consider the issue of coexistence with nature in today’s increasingly urbanized society.







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