集団的自衛権(Right of collective self-defense)



この言葉が日本で広く注目され、流行語として扱われるようになったのは、2014年の安倍晋三政権による憲法解釈変更が大きなきっかけです。このとき、日本政府は従来「行使できない」としていた集団的自衛権を「限定的に行使可能」とする閣議決定を行いました。 これにより、多くの議論が巻き起こり、流行語となったのです。



種類 定義 種類 定義 日本の対応(2014年まで)
個別的自衛権 自国が直接攻撃を受けたときに反撃する権利 行使可能(自衛隊の活動として認められる)
集団的自衛権 同盟国が攻撃を受けたときに共同で防衛する権利 2014年まで行使不可 → 2014年以降、一部行使可能






























Collective self-defense” refers to the right to take joint defensive action in the event of an armed attack by an ally or other country, even if one’s own country is not directly attacked. This is a concept recognized under international law and is clearly stated in Article 51 of the UN Charter.

The main reason why this term has attracted widespread attention and become a buzzword in Japan is the 2014 change in the interpretation of the Constitution by the Shinzo Abe administration. At that time, the Japanese government made a cabinet decision to make the right of collective self-defense “exercisable on a limited basis,” which had previously been “unexercisable. This decision sparked much debate and became a buzzword.

What is collective self-defense?
Difference between Collective Self-Defense and Individual Self-Defense

Type Definition Type Definition Japan’s response (until 2014)
Individual self-defense Right to fight back when one’s own country is directly attacked Can be exercised (recognized as an activity of the Self-Defense Forces)
Collective self-defense Right to jointly defend allied countries when they are attacked Not exercisable until 2014 → partially exercisable after 2014
For example, Japan’s military support in the event of an attack by the U.S. constitutes the exercise of the “right of collective self-defense”.

Why was the right of collective self-defense considered an issue in Japan?
Relationship with the Constitution of Japan

Article 9 of Japan’s Constitution clearly states the “renunciation of war” and the “non-preservation of military power.
Successive Japanese governments have therefore interpreted the right of individual self-defense as permitted, but the exercise of the right of collective self-defense as a violation of the Constitution.

However, on July 1, 2014, the Abe administration decided by Cabinet decision to “change the interpretation of Article 9 of the Constitution” to allow the limited exercise of the right of collective self-defense.

The 2015 Security Law (Peace and Security Legislation)
Following the 2014 Cabinet decision, the Security Law (commonly known as the Peace and Security Legislation) was enacted in 2015.
This law allows Japan to exercise its right of collective self-defense on a “limited” basis.

For example,
In the event of an attack on a country closely related to Japan that threatens the very existence of Japan.
There is a clear danger that the lives or rights of the Japanese people will be fundamentally overthrown.
Under these conditions, Japan could use force.

How did it become a “buzzword”?
From 2014 to 2015, the debate over allowing the exercise of the right of collective self-defense heated up.
Both proponents and opponents of the right to collective self-defense argued vehemently against it, and it became a buzzword because it was talked about daily on the news and in Diet broadcasts.

Opinions of the opponents
It violates Article 9 of the Constitution (increases the possibility of being drawn into war).
The interpretation of the Constitution was changed only by a Cabinet decision, without fully reflecting the will of the people.
The risk of getting involved in the U.S. war will increase.

Proponents’ Opinions
Japan’s security environment has changed, and the existing interpretation of the Constitution cannot cope with the changes.
Necessary to counter military threats from North Korea and China
It will strengthen the Japan-U.S. alliance.
Many people were interested in this issue because it was not just a mere change in the law, but a debate on the fundamentals of Japan’s security.

The Position of Collective Self-Defense in the World
The right of collective self-defense is a widely accepted concept in the international community and is exercisable by many countries.

The United States
As a member of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), exercises the right of collective self-defense when a member country is attacked
Example: At the time of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001, NATO considered an attack on the U.S. as “an attack on all member countries” and provided military assistance.

U.K. and France
Utilizes the right of collective self-defense among EU member states and in cooperation with NATO member states

South Korea
Maintains alliance with U.S. forces in South Korea and exercises it under a mutual defense agreement with the U.S.
On the other hand, Japan has long maintained that it does not exercise the right of collective self-defense even if it has it, so the 2014 decision marked a major turning point both domestically and internationally.

Current Situation and Future Challenges
Changes in Japan’s Defense Policy

In the 2022 revision of the National Security Strategy, counterattack capability (enemy base attack capability) is now also discussed.
Military cooperation with the U.S., Australia, and other countries is being strengthened.

Discussion of Constitutional Revision
Some political forces argue that the right of collective self-defense should be further clarified by amending Article 9 of the Constitution
Conversely, opponents caution that it will increase the risk of further involvement in war

☑“Collective self-defense” refers to the right to jointly defend allied countries and other nations in the event of an attack.
☑Japan has not allowed the exercise of this right for many years, but the interpretation of the Constitution was changed in 2014, making it partially exercisable.
☑Specific legislation was enacted with the passage of the Security Law in 2015.
☑The law attracted a great deal of attention, with both supporters and opponents arguing for and against it, and it even became a buzzword.
☑Today, debate continues on constitutional reform and the nature of Japan’s defense policy.

Thus, “collective self-defense” became a buzzword of historical significance as a term that significantly changed the direction of Japan’s national security.







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