ダメよ~ダメダメ(No – no, no, no, no, no.)






→ 白塗りの顔に、昭和レトロな服装をした女性。

→ 朱美ちゃんに迫る中年男性。





✅ CMやテレビ番組で頻繁に使用
✅ 芸能人や政治家までが真似をする
✅ 日常会話やSNSで使われる




✅ 冗談で何かを拒否するとき
例:「もう一杯飲もうよ!」 → 「ダメよ~ダメダメ!(笑)」

✅ ネタとして誰かをからかうとき
例:「それやったら怒られるよ?」 → 「ダメよ~ダメダメ!」

✅ 会話の盛り上げ役として




✅ 「ダメよ~ダメダメ」は日本エレキテル連合のコントで生まれた流行語(2014年)
✅ 独特なイントネーションとリズムが人気を呼び、流行語大賞を受賞
✅ CMやテレビ、日常会話で幅広く使われた
✅ 一過性のブームだったが、日本のギャグ史に残るフレーズとなった


What is “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!”?
The phrase “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no” was a phrase that became very popular in Japan in 2014, and was a key line used in a comedy act by the comedy duo Nippon Elektra Rengo.
The phrase appeared in their signature material, “Widow Akemi Chan Series,” and became a buzzword because of the characteristic way of saying it and its rhythm.

Nippon Erekiteru Rengo and “Widow Akemi-chan
Japan Erekiteru Rengo is a comedy duo consisting of Satoko Nakano and Koyuki Hashimoto.
Their surrealistic stories and unique view of the world are their hallmark, and their “Widow Akemi-chan” series in particular gained popularity.
The “Widow Akemi-chan” is set up as follows.

Akemi-chan (character played by Satoko Nakano)
→ A woman with a white painted face and retro Showa-style clothing.

Hosogai-san (character played by Koyuki Hashimoto)
→ A middle-aged man who approaches Akemi.

Mr. Hosogai approaches Akemi, but Akemi rejects him, saying “No~no no no no”, which is a standard exchange.

The unique intonation and pauses have become addictive, and many people imitate them.

Trend and Influence
The “no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no” exploded onto the scene in 2014.

✅ Frequent use in commercials and TV shows
✅ Imitated by celebrities and even politicians
✅ Used in daily conversation and on social networking sites

In the year’s “Ryu-Yojin Taisho Taisho” (the most popular Japanese word of the year), “No, no, no, no, no, no, no” won the annual award.
It also became a major movement on YouTube and SNS, with many people posting videos imitating the phrase.

Meaning and Usage of “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
The phrase itself has no deep meaning, but by repeating “no – no – no – no,” it has a stronger nuance of rejection.
Therefore, it was sometimes used in the following situations.

✅ When refusing something in jest.
e.g. “Let’s have another drink!” → “No – no, no, no! (laugh)”

✅ When making fun of someone as a joke
e.g. “If you do that, I’ll get mad at you, won’t I?” → “No, no, no, no!”

✅ As a conversation starter
e.g. “You have to go to bed early tonight.

A Transient Boom and Beyond
This phrase became very popular in 2014, but as a transient boom, it was not heard much after the following year.
And while people liked the surrealism of the material, they quickly grew tired of it, and Nippon Erekiteru Rengo has continued to search for new material since then.

✅ “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no” is a buzzword that originated in a Nippon Erekiteru Rengo comedy (2014)
✅ The unique intonation and rhythm made it popular and won the Grand Prize for the most popular buzzword
✅ Widely used in commercials, on TV, and in everyday conversation
✅ Although it was a passing fad, the phrase has gone down in Japanese gag history.

Thus, “No, no, no, no!” is remembered as one of the most impactful Japanese buzzwords of all time!







  1. 両手に花(Flanked by flowers)

  2. エンブレム(Emblem)

  3. 蟹工船(Crab-canning boat)

  4. 手ぶらで帰らせるわけにはいかない(We can’t let them go home empty-handed)

  5. 大気汚染(Air pollution)

  6. 肥満の原因(Causes of Obesity)

  7. 戦争の原因(Cause of war)

  8. 生物兵器(Biological weapon)

  9. 良薬は口に苦し(Good medicine tastes bitter)

  10. 三人寄れば文殊の知恵(The wisdom of three is better than the wise)