自分で自分をほめたい(I want to praise myself)






そんな中、1996年のアトランタオリンピック女子マラソンに出場し、見事銅メダルを獲得! これは、日本女子マラソン選手として史上初のオリンピック連続メダル獲得という快挙でした。








→ ケガや不調を乗り越え、自分自身の努力を誇らしく思う気持ち。


→ 人の評価に頼らず、「自分が頑張ったことを自分で認める」ことの重要性。


→ 達成したことへの感謝と、頑張った自分への労いの気持ち。










→ 選手や経営者が「努力を認める言葉」として引用。


→ 「他人と比べるのではなく、自分自身を認めることが大切」との考えに通じる。


→ 1990年代後半以降、テレビ番組や広告などでもパロディ的に使われることがあった。

「自分で自分をほめたい」は、1996年のアトランタ五輪で銅メダルを獲得した有森裕子選手の言葉。 ケガや苦難を乗り越えた達成感が込められ、多くの人の共感を呼んだ。流行語として広まり、自己肯定感を高めるフレーズとして現在も親しまれている。


I want to praise myself” is a famous saying that was nominated for the 1996 Ryuko Arimori Award. The phrase became famous as a comment made by Yuko Arimori, a women’s marathoner who won the gold medal at the Atlanta Olympics (1996).

Background of the Word
Yuko Arimori’s Great Achievement
Yuko Arimori became a star of the Japanese women’s marathon world when she won the silver medal at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. However, she subsequently suffered from injuries and her performance slumped. Many thought that she had already passed her peak.

Then, in 1996, she competed in the women’s marathon at the Atlanta Olympics and won the bronze medal! This was the first time in history that a Japanese female marathoner had won medals in consecutive Olympic Games.

The Birth of “I Want to Praise Myself
In an interview after the race, Ms. Arimori was so moved that she commented, “For the first time, I want to pat myself on the back.

For the first time, I would like to pat myself on the back.

These words struck a chord and moved many people.

Meaning of “I want to pat myself on the back
This phrase has the following meanings

A sense of accomplishment after overcoming difficulties
→ A feeling of pride in one’s own efforts in overcoming injury or disability.

The importance of recognizing oneself, not the evaluations of others.
→ The importance of acknowledging one’s own efforts, not relying on the evaluations of others.

Pure joy and gratitude
→ Feelings of gratitude for what you have accomplished, and a sense of exertion toward yourself for your hard work.

Why “I want to pat myself on the back” became a popular phrase
A word that many people can relate to.
Many people could relate to this phrase because it applies not only to sports, but also to work, study, and daily efforts.

Simple and easy-to-use phrase
I want to pat myself on the back” is a short, simple, and easy-to-understand phrase that can be used in everyday conversation.

Words born from an emotional scene
Because it was said on the big stage of the Olympics and in an extreme situation, the words carried a lot of weight.

Subsequent influence
Used in sports and business circles

→ Quoted by athletes and executives as “a word of recognition for effort.

Became firmly established as a term to enhance self-affirmation.
→ It goes along with the idea that “it is important to recognize oneself rather than compare oneself with others.

Used in variety shows and commercials
→ Since the late 1990s, it has been used parodically in TV programs and advertisements.

I want to pat myself on the back” is a quote from Yuko Arimori, who won the bronze medal at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. The phrase was used to express a sense of accomplishment after overcoming injuries and hardships, and it resonated with many people. It became a popular phrase and is still used today as a phrase to raise self-esteem.

The message, “Recognize your own efforts, not the evaluations of others”-this is a quote that has touched the hearts of many.







  1. 月とすっぽん(Moon and soft-shelled turtle)

  2. バカの壁(Stupid wall)

  3. 叩けば埃が出る(Tap it and you get dust)

  4. なでしこジャパン(Nadeshiko Japan)

  5. 猫の手も借りたい(Seek the cat’s help)

  6. エイジズム(Ageism)

  7. 国境を引く政治家(Politicians drawing borders)

  8. 十人十色(Everyone is different)

  9. 二階から目薬(Eye drops from the second floor)

  10. 所得格差(Income difference)