もののけ(姫)Mononoke (Princess)











✅ 映画の大ヒット:社会現象となるほどの人気を博し、多くの人が映画を観た
✅ 「もののけ」という言葉の新鮮さ:それまで日常的に使われることが少なかった「もののけ」が広まった
✅ 環境問題への関心の高まり:映画のテーマである「自然と人間の共存」が話題になった
✅ キャラクターのインパクト:「もののけ姫(サン)」の強く独立した女性像が印象的だった






また、「もののけ姫」は世界的にも評価が高く、海外でも「Princess Mononoke」として知られています。

✅ 『もののけ姫』は1997年に公開され、当時の日本映画の興行収入記録を塗り替える大ヒット作品となった
✅ 「もののけ姫」や「もののけ」という言葉が流行し、1997年の流行語大賞にもノミネートされた
✅ 映画は自然と人間の共存をテーマにしており、環境問題への関心を高めるきっかけにもなった
✅ 現在でも名作として語り継がれ、世界的にも評価が高い


The word “Mononoke (Princess)” became a popular buzzword due to the 1997 Studio Ghibli animated film “Princess Mononoke,” which was a huge hit. The following is a detailed explanation.

What is “Princess Mononoke”?
Princess Mononoke” is an animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki and was released on July 12, 1997. It was a blockbuster hit, recording box-office revenues of 19.3 billion yen and becoming the highest-grossing Japanese film of all time at the time.

Outline of the story
An epic fantasy set in Japan during the Warring States period, the story follows the hero Ashitaka, who is cursed by the “Tatari God” and travels to the west, where he becomes embroiled in an epic battle about the coexistence of humans and nature.

The heroine, Sun (Princess Mononoke), a girl who is human but raised by wild dogs, is depicted as a symbolic figure in the conflict between humans and forest gods.

Background of “Princess Mononoke” becoming a popular phrase
The movie was a huge hit, and the words “Mononoke” and “Princess Mononoke” became widely used, and were nominated for the 1997 Ryuko Words of the Year award.

Reasons for becoming a buzzword
✅ Movie hit: The movie became so popular that it became a social phenomenon and many people saw the movie.
✅ Freshness of the word “mononoke”: “mononoke,” which until then was rarely used in everyday life, became widespread.
✅ Growing interest in environmental issues: The film’s theme, “the coexistence of nature and humans,” became a hot topic.
✅ Impact of the character: The strong and independent female figure of Princess Mononoke (Sun) was impressive.

In particular, the word “Mononoke (Princess)” was recognized as a phrase that symbolized the movie and became a topic of conversation among people who saw the movie.

Meaning of the word “Mononoke
The word “mononoke” is an ancient Japanese word that originally referred to invisible spiritual beings, specters, and vengeful spirits. In the movie “Princess Mononoke,” spiritual beings such as forest gods and “tatari gods” are depicted as “mononoke.

Social Impact and Current Evaluation
Princess Mononoke” has had a major impact on subsequent Japanese animated films. It is also regarded as one of Hayao Miyazaki’s most deeply thematic works, and is still talked about today as a work that makes us think about environmental issues and the human way of life.

Princess Mononoke” is also highly acclaimed worldwide and is known overseas as ”Princess Mononoke.

✅ “Princess Mononoke” was released in 1997 and became a blockbuster hit, breaking the box office record for Japanese films at the time.
✅ The words “Princess Mononoke” and “mononoke” became popular and were nominated for the 1997 Ryukugo Award.
✅ The movie’s theme is the coexistence of nature and humans, and it has helped raise awareness of environmental issues.
✅ The film is still talked about today as a masterpiece and is highly acclaimed worldwide.

Princess Mononoke” is not just an animated film, but a work with a profound message that continues to be loved by many people today.







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