環境ホルモン(Hormone-disrupting chemicals)








また、1996年にアメリカで出版された『奪われし未来(Our Stolen Future)』という本が、環境ホルモンの危険性を強調し、日本でも話題になりました。


✅ ビスフェノールA(BPA):プラスチック製品や食品容器に含まれ、内分泌系に影響を与える可能性がある。
✅ フタル酸エステル類:プラスチックの柔軟剤として使われ、ホルモンのバランスを乱す可能性が指摘されている。
✅ ダイオキシン:焼却施設などから排出され、発がん性やホルモン異常の原因とされる。
✅ DDT(有機塩素系農薬):過去に使用されていた農薬で、動物の生殖機能に影響を与えると報告された。




→ 精子の減少や不妊症、出生率の低下に関与する可能性が指摘されている。


→ 乳がん、前立腺がん、甲状腺異常などのリスクを高める可能性がある。


→ 魚類や両生類でオスのメス化、奇形、繁殖異常が確認されている。




✅ 特定の化学物質の使用規制(BPAの制限、DDTの禁止 など)
✅ 代替物質の開発と導入(環境ホルモンを含まない製品の普及)
✅ 環境への排出管理の強化(ダイオキシン削減 など)



What are environmental hormones?
Hormones are essentially important substances that are secreted in the body of an organism and regulate physiological functions such as growth, reproduction, and metabolism. However, certain chemical substances in the environment have functions similar to those of hormones and are considered problematic because they disrupt the hormone balance in the body.

These substances can be found in food containers, pesticides, detergents, plastic products, etc., and may unknowingly affect the human body and animals.

Background of Environmental Hormone Attention
Research and Alarm Bells in the 1990s
In the 1990s, it was pointed out that certain chemical substances were adversely affecting the reproductive functions and development of organisms. In particular, reports of abnormalities in wild animals (e.g., male feminization and reproductive disorders) led to widespread recognition of the problem of environmental hormones.

In addition, a book titled “Our Stolen Future,” published in the United States in 1996, emphasized the dangers of environmental hormones and became a hot topic in Japan.

Examples of major environmental hormones
✅ Bisphenol A (BPA): Found in plastic products and food containers and can affect the endocrine system.
✅ Phthalates: used as plastic softeners and have been identified as a potential hormone imbalance.
✅ Dioxins: emitted from incineration facilities, etc., and are believed to be carcinogenic and cause hormonal abnormalities.
✅ DDT (organochlorine pesticide): a pesticide used in the past that has been reported to affect animal reproductive functions.

Effects of Environmental Hormones
Environmental hormones have been reported to have serious effects on human and animal health.

Decreased reproductive function
→ Possibly involved in decreased sperm counts, infertility, and reduced fertility rates.

Increase in diseases caused by hormonal abnormalities
→ May increase risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid abnormalities, etc.

Abnormalities in wildlife
→ Male feminization, deformities, and reproductive abnormalities have been observed in fish and amphibians.

Environmental Hormone Countermeasures and Beyond
In response to the attention paid to the dangers of environmental hormones, the Japanese government initiated the “Research and Study on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals” in 1998 to strengthen scientific investigations and regulations.

Main Countermeasures
✅ Regulation of the use of certain chemicals (e.g., restrictions on BPA, ban on DDT)
✅ Development and introduction of alternative substances (promotion of products that do not contain environmental hormones)
✅ Strengthen control of emissions into the environment (reduction of dioxin, etc.)

Today, the term “environmental hormone” itself is not used as often as it used to be, but its effects continue to be studied, and efforts are still being made to reduce environmental and health risks.

The term “environmental hormone” became a buzzword in 1998, referring to chemical substances that disrupt the hormonal balance of living organisms and adversely affect reproductive functions and health; the problem was identified in the 1990s, and the Japanese government promoted research and regulation. Even today, research and measures related to environmental hormones continue, and efforts are being made to minimize the effects of chemical substances.







  1. 無くて七癖(Every man has seven habits)

  2. 四面楚歌(Enemies all around us)

  3. 派遣切り(Dispatch cut)

  4. 鬼の目にも涙(Tears in the demon’s eyes)

  5. 悪い円安(Bad Yen Weakness)

  6. 老老介護(Elderly caring for the elderly)

  7. 二階から目薬(Eye drops from the second floor)

  8. 言わぬが花(It’s better not to say)

  9. 奈良判定(Nara Decision)

  10. どや顔(Triumphant look)