だんご3兄弟(Dango 3 brothers)









✅ オリコン初登場1位&ミリオン達成(発売から2週間で200万枚突破)
✅ 1999年の日本レコード大賞「特別賞」を受賞
✅ NHK紅白歌合戦に出場(当時の「おかあさんといっしょ」出演者として異例)








→ 全国の和菓子店で「だんご3兄弟」風の団子が販売されるなど、食品業界にも影響を与えました。


→ 当時はもちろん、現在も懐かしのヒットソングとして親しまれています。


→ 2000年代以降、アニメや子ども向け番組発の楽曲がヒットする流れが続きました。


The song “Dango 3 Brothers” was released in 1999 on NHK’s children’s TV program “Okaasan to Itto” and became a huge hit. The song became such a social phenomenon that it was selected as one of the top ten words in the “You-Can New Words and Trendy Words Awards” of the same year, and was a huge success in terms of CD sales and development of related products.

Birth of the “Three Dango Brothers
The lyrics of “Dango 3 Brothers” were written by Masahiko Sato and composed by Masumi Uchino, and the song was sung by Kentaro Hayami and Ayumi Shigemori (the older and younger singing brothers and sisters of “Okaasan to tokusyo” at that time).

This song was released in the animation corner “Do Remi Fa Do Nattsu! The simple, humorous lyrics and easy-to-remember melody made the song popular.

Spread of the “Dango 3 Brothers” Boom
When “Dango Brothers” was released as a CD on March 3, 1999, it became an exceptionally big hit, selling more than 1 million copies in its first shipment and approximately 870,000 copies in its first week alone. The total number of copies sold reached approximately 2.91 million, making it the third highest-selling single CD of all time** at the time.

Main Records
✅ First appearance at No. 1 on Oricon and million-seller (surpassed 2 million copies within 2 weeks of release)
✅ Won the “Special Award” at the 1999 Japan Record Awards
✅ Participated in the NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen (unusual for a “Okaasan to Itto” performer at the time)

Related goods (plush toys, stationery, T-shirts, etc.) featuring the DANGO characters also exploded in sales, and dumplings in the shape of the “Three Dango Brothers” were sold at Japanese confectionery stores in town, spreading the boom throughout society.

The lyrics and appeal of “Dango 3 Brothers
The lyrics of this song feature the unique idea of personifying the dango on skewers and lined up in a row as “brothers.

Key points of the lyrics
The first, second, and third siblings’ dumplings are lined up in a friendly row
They fight sometimes, but in the end they are good friends
The laid-back atmosphere of “being put in a tare is fine”
This simple and cute worldview has captured the hearts of many children and adults.

Influence of the “Three Dango Brothers
The “Three Dango Brothers” phenomenon

→ The “Dango 3 Brothers” style dumplings were sold in Japanese confectionery stores nationwide, influencing the food industry as well.

Became a standard song at karaoke and variety shows
→ The song was popular then, and still is today, as a nostalgic hit song.

Pioneer of the character song boom after “Dango 3 Brothers
→ Since the 2000s, songs from cartoons and children’s TV shows have continued to become hits.

Dango 3 Brothers” was released on NHK’s ‘Okaasan to tosho’ in 1999 and became a social phenomenon, selling approximately 2.91 million CDs. The unique lyrics and easy-to-remember melody made the song popular and influenced the Japanese confectionery industry. It is still popular today as a nostalgic hit song.







  1. 免許返納(Surrender of a license)

  2. 猫の手も借りたい(Seek the cat’s help)

  3. 金にふさがれた口(Mouths full of money)

  4. 欲に目が眩む(Blinded by greed)

  5. 薬でスーパーマンにはなれない(Drugs don’t make you superman)

  6. 高齢社会の土台(The foundation of an aging society)

  7. 灯台下暗し(Dark under the lighthouse)

  8. 笛吹けども踊らず(No one dances even if I play the flute)

  9. 恩を仇で返す(Return evil for good)

  10. 類は友を呼ぶ(Kind calls for friends)