→ ただの「悔しい」ではなく、面白おかしく悔しがることで、ウケを狙う。
→ 例えば、試合に負けたときやゲームで負けたときに、冗談っぽく「めっちゃ悔し~い」と言うのが定番。
→ 友達同士でちょっとした失敗をしたときに、笑いを交えながら使うこともあった。
→ その後も、テレビやイベントで「めっちゃ悔し~い」を披露することが多かった。
→ 2000年代後半のバラエティ番組では、ほかの芸人やタレントもネタとして使うことがあった。
→ 若者の間ではあまり使われなくなったが、当時を知る世代には「懐かしいフレーズ」として親しまれている。
「めっちゃ悔し~い」は、2007年に流行したお笑いコンビ「ザ・たっち」のネタで、特徴的なイントネーションが話題となった。負けたときや失敗したときにコミカルに悔しがる言葉として、バラエティ番組や日常会話でも広く使われた。 現在では流行のピークを過ぎたものの、当時の人気を知る人には懐かしいフレーズとなっている。
The phrase “mecha keshi~ii” was nominated for the 2007 “You-Can New Word and Trendy Word Awards” and became popular as the signature line of the comedy duo “The Tacchis”. The twin brothers Takuya and Kazuya gained popularity by shouting this phrase with their characteristic intonation.
The birth and popularity of “Meccha Keshi~ii” (I’m so sorry!)
What is The Tacchi?
The Tacchi is a comedy duo whose material makes use of the unique appearance of twins, featuring tricks in which the two look-alike twins switch places and synchronized movements.Phrase Features
The phrase “Mecchan chaisai~ii” was used to express exaggerated regret at a loss or failure. The key to this was to say it in a higher voice with the two of them together, while stretching the end of the phrase.A big breakthrough in variety shows
This phrase was frequently used in variety shows and comedy shows of the time, and became so popular that many people imitated it.Meaning and Usage of “Mecchu Chushin~ii” (I’m so frustrated!)
Comical expression of “regretful” feelings
→ Not just “I’m sorry,” but also “I’m sorry” in an amusing way to make people laugh.Used in sports and games
→ For example, when you lose a game or a match, it is standard to jokingly say, “I’m so frustrated!Also used in everyday conversation
→ Sometimes used with laughter between friends when they made a small mistake.Subsequent Influences
Became established as a representative story of The Tacchi
→ Even after that, “Meccha keshi~ii” was often performed on TV and at events.It took the world by storm as a comedy phrase
→ In the variety shows of the late 2000s, other comedians and TV personalities sometimes used it as a joke.The peak of its popularity has passed, but it is now recognized as a nostalgic gag.
→ Although it is no longer used by young people, the phrase is familiar to those who knew it back then as a “nostalgic phrase.Meccha Keshi~ii” was a popular gag by the comedy duo ‘The Tacchi’ in 2007, and its characteristic intonation became a topic of conversation. It was widely used on variety shows and in everyday conversation as a comical expression of regret at losing or failing. Although it has now passed the peak of its popularity, the phrase is still nostalgic for those who know its popularity at that time.