2004年の日本シリーズ(西武ライオンズ vs. 中日ドラゴンズ)の際、MVP(最優秀選手)に選ばれたのは西武の松坂大輔投手でした。しかし、シリーズで大活躍したのは、西武の和田一浩選手でした。
「コメ(米)」は、もともと日本人の主食であり、大切なものという意味を持っています。そのため、「コメを盗む=人の大切なものを奪う」という意味が転じて、「本来ふさわしい人が得るべきものを横取りする」 という比喩表現になりました。
✅ 「コメ泥棒」は、2004年のプロ野球・日本シリーズで、西武の伊東勤監督が発した言葉が由来。
✅ MVPにふさわしい和田一浩選手が選ばれず、松坂大輔投手が受賞したことから「松坂はコメ泥棒だ」と冗談交じりに表現。
✅ この言葉は「本来ふさわしい人が得るべきものを横取りする」という意味で広まり、スポーツ・ビジネス・政治の場面でも使われた。
✅ 近年ではあまり使われなくなったが、SNSやネット上で冗談として用いられることがある。
The term “rice thief” became a hot topic after an incident during the 2004 Japan Series of professional baseball. It was uttered by Tsutomu Ito, manager of the Seibu Lions professional baseball team, in reference to an incident that occurred during the series.
The Birth of the “Rice Thief
During the 2004 Japan Series (Seibu Lions vs. Chunichi Dragons), Daisuke Matsuzaka of the Seibu Lions was named MVP (best player). However, it was Kazuhiro Wada of the Seibu Lions who had the most success in the series.Despite Wada’s strong hitting in the series and his outstanding performance in key situations, the MVP title ultimately went to Matsuzaka.
Seibu manager Ito jokingly remarked, “Wada is the real MVP, but Matsuzaka won the MVP, so he’s a rice thief.
Meaning of “rice thief
What does “rice thief” mean here?
The term “rice thief” is used here as a metaphor to mean that someone else snatched the honor from the deserving recipient.
The term was used as a metaphor to mean that someone else had snatched the honor from the deserving winner.
The term became a popular buzzword in sports news and among fans at the time.Etymology and Background of “Rice Thief
Rice” is the staple food of the Japanese people and has always had the meaning of something important. Therefore, the meaning of “stealing rice = taking something important from someone” was turned into a figurative expression, “taking something that should have been given to someone who deserves it.The term came to be used not only in the world of sports, but also in business and politics, and became popular as a term for a situation in which someone who is not a true achiever receives praise or rewards.
What Happened to “Rice Thief?
The term “rice thief” was popular in 2004, but has become less common in recent years. However, when similar situations occur in sports, business, entertainment, and other areas, the term is sometimes brought up again on the Internet.In recent years, we have also seen “rice thieves” used jokingly on social networking sites. For example, when a game or competition results in another person standing out instead of the person who originally played an active role, it is sometimes used in the form of “Zero became a rice thief! is sometimes used in the form of “〇がコメ泥棒なった!
✅ The term “rice thief” was coined by Seibu manager Tsutomu Ito during the 2004 Japan Series professional baseball tournament.
✅ “Matsuzaka is a rice thief” was jokingly expressed after Kazuhiro Wada, who deserved the MVP award, was not selected and Daisuke Matsuzaka won the award.
✅ The term was popularized to mean “taking what the deserving person should get,” and was used in sports, business, and politics.
✅ The term has become less common in recent years, but is sometimes used as a joke on social networking sites and the Internet.Thus, “rice thief” was a buzzword for a time, but as a unique figurative expression, it became a word that left an impression on many people.