バカの壁(Stupid wall)



この言葉は、解剖学者の養老孟司(ようろう たけし)氏が2003年に出版したベストセラー『バカの壁』から広まりました。











例:「この政党が正しい! ほかは全部間違い!」










✅ 「バカの壁」は、自分の考えに固執し、新しい情報や意見を受け入れられない心理的な壁を指す。
✅ 2003年に養老孟司氏の著書『バカの壁』が大ヒットし、流行語になった。
✅ 政治・教育・ビジネス・SNSなど、さまざまな場面で「バカの壁」が見られる。
✅ 本来は「誰にでもある壁」だが、他人を批判する言葉として使われることもあるので注意が必要。


The term “wall of stupidity” refers to the state in which people are so limited by their own ideas and knowledge that they are unable to accept new information and the opinions of others.

The term was popularized by anatomist Takeshi Yoro, who published his bestseller “The Wall of Stupidity” in 2003.
In the book, Yoro described the phenomenon of “people accepting only what they can understand and shutting out everything else” as “the wall of stupidity.

Background of “Wall of Stupidity” becoming a buzzword
The bestseller “Wall of Idiots

(Released in 2003, the book became a big hit, selling more than 4 million copies in total.
The unique title “Wall of Idiots” became a topic of conversation, and many people took an interest in it.
The term came to be used not only in intellectual discussions but also in everyday conversation.

Won the “New Word and Trendy Word Award” in 2003
With the huge success of “Wall of Stupidity,” the word itself became a buzzword and was selected as the winner of the “New Word and Trendy Word Award” in 2003.
The term “wall of stupidity” has come to be used in a variety of settings, including politics, business, education, and social networking.

Meaning and Examples of “Wall of Idiots
The “wall of stupidity” does not simply refer to “people who lack knowledge,” but refers to a psychological barrier that prevents people from accepting new information beyond what they know.
For example, the “wall of stupidity” occurs in the following situations

Getting caught up in stereotypes
E.g., “It’s always been this way, so I don’t want to change it.”
Too much emphasis on traditions and conventions, rejecting new ideas

Refuse to listen to anything that differs from their own opinion
e.g. “This party is right! Everything else is wrong!”
Exclusion of politics, religion, values, etc., other than what they believe in

Expertise becomes a barrier
e.g., “You don’t understand because you are not an expert.
People with expertise do not listen to any layman’s opinion

Filter bubble of social networking sites
e.g. “I only see opinions I like and shut out opposing opinions”
The algorithms of social networking sites allow us to see only information with similar ideas, reducing our opportunities to learn about other opinions
In this way, the “wall of stupidity” is characterized by the fact that it is created not by a lack of knowledge or information, but by a problem of one’s awareness.

Impact of the “Wall of Stupidity”
Positive aspects

The spread of the term “wall of stupidity” has caused me to reevaluate the bias in my thinking
The importance of listening to diverse opinions was reaffirmed, and the issue was discussed in educational and business settings

Negative aspects
The term “wall of stupidity” was sometimes used as an expression to make fun of others
Although it was originally intended to be a “cognitive barrier that everyone has,” it was sometimes used to criticize others by saying, “He has a wall of stupidity.

✅ The “wall of stupidity” refers to a psychological barrier that prevents people from sticking to their own ideas and accepting new information and opinions.
✅ In 2003, Yoro Mengji’s book “The Wall of Stupidity” became a huge hit and became a popular phrase.
✅ The “wall of stupidity” can be found in a variety of settings, including politics, education, business, and social networking.
✅ Essentially, it is a wall that exists for everyone, but it should be used with caution as it is sometimes used as a term to criticize others.

The “wall of stupidity” exists for everyone, but the important thing is to be aware of it and make an effort to overcome it.







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  5. なんでだろう~(I wonder why?)

  6. 無縁社会(Unrelated society)

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  10. 泣きっ面に蜂(Bee stings while crying)