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Etymology of the term “frogging phenomenon
The term “frog phenomenon” comes from the Grimm’s fairy tale “The King of Frogs. In this fairy tale, a prince is magically transformed into a frog, and when he is saved by a young girl, he returns to his human form again. However, the girl, who at first has an aversion to the prince in the form of a frog, gradually opens her heart to him during the course of the story. This reverse pattern, i.e., the phenomenon of suddenly developing a dislike for a person one had a liking for, has come to be known as the “frogification phenomenon.

Specific Characteristics of the Frogger Phenomenon
The frog phenomenon manifests itself in the following ways in romantic relationships:

The partner cools off when the favor is returned.
Characterized by a sudden loss of interest in the other person and a cooling down of romantic feelings when the person who initially showed favor to you confesses his/her feelings or shows special interest in you.

Disgust and discomfort arise.
Not only do they lose interest, but they may also feel a sense of dislike or discomfort toward the other person. The very presence of the other person may feel like a burden, or the other person’s behavior may become bothersome.

You may feel self-loathing or guilt.
Some people feel self-loathing and guilt over their sudden dislike of the other person. They may blame themselves, saying, “I thought I liked them, so why do I suddenly feel this way?”

Causes of Frog Phenomenon
The causes of the frog phenomenon vary from person to person, but the following psychological factors are thought to be involved.

Gap between ideal and reality
If a person’s idealization of the other person is too strong, when the other person actually shows his/her affection for him/her, the person may feel that the actual partner is far from the ideal, and may be disappointed by the gap. This gap is one of the factors that cause the phenomenon of frogification.

Low self-esteem
When a person lacks self-confidence, he or she may feel that he or she is not worthy of being loved when the other person shows favor to him or her, and the other person’s favor may put pressure on him or her. This can lead to a cooling of feelings toward the other person.

Fear of the other person’s favor
Fear of being liked can lead to a “sense of responsibility” and “anxiety about the relationship deepening. The pressure to develop a romantic relationship and anxiety about the relationship progressing can cause rejection and trigger the frogging phenomenon.

Psychological Defense Mechanisms
The frog phenomenon can act as a psychological defense mechanism. Past trauma or fear of being hurt may manifest itself in the form of rejection of intimacy with the other person. It may also involve an unconscious effort to avoid the risk of being hurt again by establishing a deeper relationship.

How to Deal with the Frogging Phenomenon
If you suffer from the frogification phenomenon, the following coping strategies may be helpful

Deepen your self-understanding
It is important to understand why you experience the phenomenon. By reflecting on your feelings and past experiences and analyzing why you grow cold when someone shows favoritism, you can recognize the root cause.

Value communication.
It is important to communicate honestly with the other person. By communicating your feelings to the other person, you can share your reasons for feeling pressured and your concerns, and together you can figure out how to move forward in the relationship.

Move the relationship forward slowly and unhurriedly.
Since rapid progress in a relationship can be burdensome, it is effective to take the time to get to know the other person at a slower pace without rushing. Taking time to understand the other person and waiting for your own feelings to stabilize will help sustain the relationship.

Raise self-esteem
When the frogification phenomenon is caused by a lack of self-confidence, it can be helpful to make an effort to increase self-affirmation. By acknowledging your own worth and feeling that you are worthy of being loved by others, you will be more likely to accept favors from others.

The frogification phenomenon is a psychological phenomenon in which a person suddenly loses interest in the other person in a relationship. It is often caused by a combination of factors, including the gap between ideal and reality, low self-esteem, and insecurity about the relationship. The key to dealing with the frogification phenomenon is to understand one’s feelings and to value communication and self-esteem.







  1. 地獄に仏(Buddha in hell)

  2. 女子会(Girls-only gathering)

  3. 似たもの夫婦(Like married couple)

  4. 主観と客観(Subjective and Objective)

  5. 急がば回れ(Haste makes speedy)

  6. 環境ホルモン(Hormone-disrupting chemicals)

  7. SEALDs

  8. 藪をつついて蛇を出す(Scare out a snake by poking at the brush)

  9. 魔の2回生(Demon sophomore)

  10. 特定秘密保護法(Specially Designated Secrets Act)