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Origin of Amabie
Amabie is a half-human, half-fish yokai that was reportedly seen in the Kyushu region during the Edo period (1603-1867). 1846, in Higo Province (present-day Kumamoto Prefecture), Amabie appeared out of the sea and made the following prophecies to officials:

Prediction of a bountiful harvest
Prediction of a bountiful harvest for six years into the future.

Epidemic of plague
At the same time, he also foretold of a plague epidemic and told the people to see his image.
This drawing of Amabie’s figure was widely passed down to the people to help them ward off the plague.

Amabie’s Popularity in the Coronavirus Disaster
In 2020, when a new coronavirus pandemic broke out, Amabie once again came into the spotlight. Amabie, as a specter, became a symbolic character that symbolized the “eradication of the plague,” and became a topic of conversation on social networking sites and in the media, and was treated like a modern-day “good-luck charm”.
Specifically, Amabie became widely popular for the following reasons

Spread on SNS
Based on the legend that drawing a picture of an amabie and posting it on a SNS would “quell a plague,” many people drew and shared illustrations of amabies. This created a craze on SNS and spread.

Characterization and commercialization
Amabie’s unique half-human, half-fish form was one of the reasons for its popularity, as it was easy to characterize. Various products such as LINE stamps, masks, and goods were created with Amabie depicted in cute designs.

As a Symbol of Dispelling the Plague
Amabie came to be seen as a symbol of hope and a remedy for the plague during the time of the Corona disaster, when many people were in a state of anxiety and hardship. With its traditional aspect as a specter and its role as a “good luck charm” in modern times, it became popular as a source of emotional support.

Cultural Significance of Amabie
Amabie is also interesting as an example of the fusion of traditional Japanese yokai beliefs and modern media culture. In particular, the phenomenon of historical folklore being reevaluated in the midst of a social crisis such as the Corona disaster and spread by social networking and digital culture demonstrates how the cultural role of yokai in Japan is evolving.

Amabie’s Appearance
The characteristic appearance of the amabie is reportedly described as having a body covered in fish-like scales, long hair, a beak-like mouth, and three legs. This strange and humorous appearance lends itself well to modern characterization and artwork, and has been popularized in a wide variety of forms.

The “Amabie” was noted for its symbolism of the banishment of the plague during the Corona Plague, and is an example of how an ancient tradition in Japanese society has taken on new meaning in contemporary culture. As a symbol of both traditional yokai beliefs and of the spirit to face the uncertainties and difficulties of modern times, it has become a source of hope for many people.







  1. お金の落とし穴(Money Pitfalls)

  2. 論より証拠(Evidence over theory)

  3. 国境を引く政治家(Politicians drawing borders)

  4. 倍返し(Double payback)

  5. 心を鬼にする(Turn your heart into a demon)

  6. 一億総活躍社会(A society in which all 100 million people can play an active role)

  7. 戦争の原因(Cause of war)

  8. 大気汚染(Air pollution)

  9. ビフォーアフター(Before and after)

  10. インスタ映え(Instagrammable)