

「スーパーボランティア」は、2018年に日本で広く話題となった尾畠春夫(おばた はるお)さんに対して付けられた称号であり、彼の献身的な活動と驚異的な行動力が称賛され、流行語となりました。



















Supervolunteer” is the title given to Haruo Obata, a widely talked-about Japanese volunteer in 2018, who was praised for his dedication and incredible energy, and became a buzzword.

How did “Supervolunteer” become a buzzword?
The word became popular largely because of the event in August 2018, when Haruo Obata found a 2-year-old boy who had gone missing in Yamaguchi Prefecture. At the time, 2-year-old Riki Fujimoto (Yoshiki) went missing while out with his grandfather in Suo Oshima-cho, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and although local police, firefighters, and Self-Defense Forces were searching for him, he was not found for several days, leaving many people worried.

Then Haruo Obata rushed to the area and found Fujimoto-kun safely after only a few hours of searching. He worked as a volunteer without compensation and became famous as a “Supervolunteer” in the media and on social networking services.

Haruo Obata’s Background
Haruo Obata is a former fisherman, born in 1939, who has been volunteering free of charge throughout Japan since his retirement. He has personally traveled to the sites of disasters, to disaster areas, and to people in need to provide assistance. He is especially appreciated for his volunteer activities at the sites of major disasters such as the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Kumamoto Earthquake.

Mr. Obata takes his actions “for granted” and does not ask for anything in return for his volunteer work. His simple lifestyle and humble attitude have also impressed many people.

The Meaning of the Term “Supervolunteer”
The term “Supervolunteer” was used to praise people like Haruo Obata who selflessly and selflessly volunteer to help others. His extraordinary energy, his years of selfless relief work, and his deep compassion for those in need earned him the respect that earned him the title of “super.

The scale and enthusiasm of Mr. Obata’s actions transcended the boundaries of mere volunteerism, and his presence was symbolized as a “Supervolunteer”.

Social Influence on Mr. Obata’s Actions
Haruo Obata’s activities as a “Supervolunteer” had the following impacts

Spreading the spirit of volunteerism
Many people were inspired by Mr. Obata’s activities, which reaffirmed the importance and significance of volunteerism. The value of contributing to society without compensation, as he did, was widely understood, and more people began to participate in volunteer activities.

A Symbol of Self-Sacrifice and Altruism
Mr. Obata’s actions were highly regarded as a symbol of altruistic behavior, helping others without compensation. In particular, despite his age (78 at the time), his willingness to help others without regard for his own health or safety set a great example, especially for the elderly and younger generation.

Humility and Unassertive Attitude
Despite the media attention he has received, Mr. Obata has always maintained a humble and frugal lifestyle, without flaunting himself. Rejecting praise and rewards, his attitude of “I just did what I had to do” has deeply impressed many people.

The buzzword “Supervolunteer” was coined to praise people like Haruo Obata for their dedication to helping others without compensation and their activities. In particular, the attention paid to dedicated people like him has re-evaluated the value of volunteerism and positively impacted society as a whole. Mr. Obata’s humble and sincere way of life became an inspiration to many, and “Supervolunteer” became not just a title, but a symbolic term to describe the spirit of service to society.







  1. 棚から牡丹餅(Peony mochi from the shelf)

  2. 親の七光り(Reap the glorious benefits of your parents)

  3. 老害(Harmful elder)

  4. 雨降って地固まる(It rains and the ground hardens)

  5. 笛吹けども踊らず(No one dances even if I play the flute)

  6. 良薬は口に苦し(Good medicine tastes bitter)

  7. 日本列島総不況(General recession in the Japanese archipelago)

  8. 政治家の耳(Politician’s ear)

  9. 鬼の居ぬ間に洗濯(Laundry while the demons are away)

  10. 政権交代(Regime change)