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Background of “Insta-eyes
The term “Insta-ei” has become popular due to the rapid spread of social networking services and the development of a photo-sharing culture.

Since beautiful-looking and appealing photos on Instagram attract the interest of followers, users began to devise ways to make their posts more appealing. In particular, the visual appearance of restaurant food, café drinks, scenery at tourist spots, fashion items, and other items with a beautiful appearance in photos became the focus of attention as “Instagrammable” subjects.

Thus, the pursuit of visually impressive photos gained momentum, and “Insta-eyoe” became an important criterion among Instagram users.

Definition and Elements of “Insta-worthy
The term “Insta-eyoe” refers to the appearance of photos posted on Instagram, meaning that they are beautiful to look at and attract the attention of others. In particular, the following elements are common to “Insta-worthy” photos

Vivid colors
Vibrant colors and high contrast are typical of Instagram-worthy photos, as they are visually impactful and easily differentiated from other photos.

Unique composition
Photos taken from novel angles and compositions are more likely to surprise viewers and leave a lasting impression. Creative ways of taking pictures are appreciated more than ordinary photos.

Stylish backgrounds and items
Whether it is a beautiful dessert at a café, a spectacular view of a tourist attraction, or a trendy fashion item, the key to “Insta-Eye” is that it looks fashionable. Particular emphasis is placed on the beauty of the food and sweets as they are served.

Trendy spots
Photos taken at popular tourist destinations or trendy spots are considered to be particularly Insta-worthy. It is also important to take pictures in trendy places, such as tourist attractions or newly opened cafes.

Social Impact of “Insta-ei
The popularity of “Insta-ei” has had a variety of effects on society and consumer behavior.

Changes in Consumer Behavior
Restaurants and tourist attractions have begun to offer products and services with “Insta-Eye” in mind. For example, cafes with gorgeous-looking sweets and desserts and stylish interiors became popular and attracted more visitors in many cases.

Development of the tourism industry
Travel and tourism for the purpose of “Instagramming” has increased. Users often visited popular and talked-about tourist spots in order to take “eyoe” photos, leading to the promotion of the tourism industry.

Development of SNS Culture
SNS has become a part of daily life, and many people and taking pictures to get “Likes” has become an objective. In the pursuit of “Instagram-ness,” people have become so focused on taking pictures that the actual experience itself has become a secondary concern.

Impact on Business
Companies and brands began to promote their products and services with “Insta-eyes” in mind, and marketing using Instagram became popular. In particular, products and services aimed at younger consumers adopted a strategy of attracting consumer attention by emphasizing the importance of “looking good.

Criticisms and challenges
The culture of “Instagrammability” has its critics and challenges, including

Pursuit of superficial value
There is a criticism that the emphasis is only on visual beauty, neglecting the content and essence of the food. In the case of food, it was pointed out that in some cases the appearance is beautiful, but the actual taste is secondary.

Excessive self-expression
Excessive self-expression in order to get others to “like” one’s work. The excessive self-promotion to get “Likes” from others can lead to mental pressure, and the excessive desire for approval on social networking sites can lead to a low self-esteem in the real world.

The term “Insta-eyes” refers to a phenomenon in social networking culture, centered on Instagram, in which beautiful, eye-catching photos are highly valued. It has become especially popular since around 2017 and has had a significant impact on consumer behavior, tourism, and marketing strategies. At the same time, however, criticisms of the pursuit of superficial value and excessive self-expression also exist. The term “instagramming” has come to symbolize a new set of values in today’s digital society.







  1. 骨太の方針(Firm policy)

  2. 雲泥の差(The difference between clouds and mud)

  3. カリスマ(Charisma)

  4. こだまでしょうか(Is it the particulars?)

  5. 親の心子知らず(Children don’t know how parents feel)

  6. 知らんけど(I don’t know)

  7. 怪我の功名(Lucky break)

  8. 月とすっぽん(Moon and soft-shelled turtle)

  9. 雨降って地固まる(It rains and the ground hardens)

  10. 叩けば埃が出る(Tap it and you get dust)