












Kamiteru (神ってる) is a word that was selected as one of the top 10 buzzwords of 2016, especially in relation to baseball’s Hiroshima Toyo Carp. The word was used as an expression of admiration for players or events that show incredible good performance or miraculous performance.

Origin of the word “godlike
The term “godlike” became popular after Hiroshima Toyo Carp manager Koichi Ogata said that the Carp was doing well in the Central League in 2016, especially after Seiya Suzuki hit two consecutive sayonara home runs on June 17 and 18 to help his team win. After witnessing this incredible performance, Manager Ogata said that Suzuki was “divine,” and the word spread quickly.

The word “godlike” is derived from slang for a person who is so great that he is called “god” by young people, and has the meaning of “wonderful like a god” or “godlike.

Meaning and Usage
Kami-teru” is short for ‘godlike,’ and refers to a state of being in great shape or miraculous performance. Especially in the world of sports, it is often used when an athlete has made a series of good plays or achieved incredible success.

E.g.: His play today was truly “godlike!
e.g. That game was truly a “God-awful” moment.
It is also used outside of sports to praise amazing achievements or accidental successes. For example, “godlike” may also be used to describe an unexpected achievement in study or work.

Social Impact and Trends
The word “godly” has become so popular among baseball fans and the general public at large that it was named one of the most popular buzzwords of 2016, and was frequently used on social networking sites and in the media, with many people adopting the term in their daily lives and using it to praise amazing achievements and performances.

The word’s popularity also drew attention to the Hiroshima Toyo Carp’s 2016 breakthrough, making the word symbolic, especially for Carp fans. 2016 was also the year the Carp won the Central League championship for the first time in 25 years, and the expression “godlike” was loved as a symbol of the team and players’ successes. The word was loved as a symbol of the success of the team and players.

The word “godlike” originally became popular in connection with the Hiroshima Toyo Carp baseball team, especially when manager Ogata used it to praise the miraculous performance of player Seiya Suzuki. The expression became popular, especially among young people, as a term referring to unbelievably good performance or miraculous events, and was selected as one of the most popular words of 2016. The word “god” is now widely used not only in sports, but also in situations where people praise phenomenal achievements or accidental successes, and has been incorporated into everyday conversation.







  1. 飼い犬に手を噛まれる(Bitten by a pet dog)

  2. AKB48

  3. 肥満の原因(Causes of Obesity)

  4. 鬼の居ぬ間に洗濯(Laundry while the demons are away)

  5. 事業仕分け(Business sorting)

  6. 君子危うきに近寄らず(A wise man keeps away from danger)

  7. 水と油(Water and Oil)

  8. 論より証拠(Evidence over theory)

  9. 欲に目が眩む(Blinded by greed)

  10. 猫をかぶる(Friendly as a cat)