石の上にも三年(Three years on a stone)


















Ishi no ue mo san-nen (Three years on a stone)” is a proverb meaning that if you persevere and keep at it, no matter how difficult it is, you will eventually be rewarded. Just as a cold stone will warm up after sitting on it for three years, it shows that even in a difficult situation, if you persevere over a long period of time, you will eventually see results.

Origin and Background
Three years on a stone” has long been known as a proverb that explains the importance of perseverance and continuity. The metaphor of a cold, hard stone gradually warming up as it sits still contains the lesson that change will come to any difficult situation if one perseveres. The three-year period also symbolizes the perseverance and effort required to continue something.

Examples of Contemporary Usage
This proverb is used especially when you are just starting something new and have difficulty seeing results, or when you are about to give up in a difficult situation.

Perseverance at work or in the workplace
For example, when doing an unfamiliar job at a new workplace, you may find it hard to see results, but it is used as “three years on a stone,” meaning that it is important to try to continue for at least three years.

Acquiring a study or skill
Languages, musical instruments, and sports are difficult to achieve results in the beginning. Since they cannot be acquired with a little practice or study, but will eventually improve with perseverance, the phrase “three years on a stone” is used to encourage people to keep at it.

Building relationships and trust
It often takes time to build trust with friends and colleagues in a new environment, so this expression also applies to patiently building relationships.

Similar expressions
Similar expressions to “three years on a stone” include “continuity is strength” and “persevere and the road will open up. In common, these expressions express the importance of perseverance and the importance of getting results by persevering.

Lesson Learned
The importance of perseverance and continuity is embedded in this proverb. It teaches that no matter how difficult the situation may be at first, if we persevere and keep going, eventually results will appear or the situation will improve. It contains the wisdom of life that perseverance without giving up will ultimately lead to success and growth.

Three years on a stone” is a proverb that tells us the importance of perseverance and not giving up in the face of difficulties. Especially when it is difficult to see tangible results or when you are just starting a new challenge, keeping this saying in mind will encourage you and support your desire to persevere in your efforts.









  1. スマホ(Smart phone)

  2. 食の不均衡(Food Inequality)

  3. 新型インフルエンザ(New type of influenza)

  4. 猫をかぶる(Friendly as a cat)

  5. 化けの皮を剝がす(Peel off the disguise)

  6. ファストファッション(Fast fashion)

  7. 痒い所に手が届く(Reach where it hurts)

  8. 玉石混交(Mixture of stones and jewels)

  9. イクメン(Ikumen)

  10. 両手に花(Flanked by flowers)