似たもの夫婦(Like married couple)















The term “nita mono fuufu” is a Japanese expression used to describe couples who share similar personalities, ways of thinking, and behaviors. It is used for couples who are similar in appearance, hobbies, and values, and refers to both cases where the couple has naturally come to resemble each other after living together for many years and cases where people with similar personalities have married each other from the start. This expression has the connotation that the couple has often come to behave in a similar manner, or that their tastes and habits often appear to be in agreement.

Background and Usage of this Expression
The expression “like-matched couples” is based on the observation that couples who have been together for many years are influenced by each other and unknowingly come to resemble each other in appearance, speech, and thinking. In Japanese culture, there is a tendency to view this type of couple as something to smile about, as there is a value that couples and families have a strong bond and are naturally in sync with each other.

This expression is used in the following situations

Couples who look, speak, and act alike:
There is a popular belief that “married couples even look alike,” and in fact, after being together for a long time, their facial expressions, speech, and even gestures often become similar. Such couples are described as “like-matched couples.

Couples with similar hobbies and values:
Couples who share similar likes and values are also eligible for this expression. Couples who share the same hobbies and tastes, the same way of spending holidays, and the same way of thinking about things are often referred to as “like-matched couples” by those around them.

A couple that has come to resemble each other by influencing each other:
Couples who start out with different personalities but who influence each other and become similar as they spend time together are also referred to as “like-matched couples. This is because married couples naturally influence each other in their lives, and their habits and ways of thinking may become similar.

Similar Expressions
Expressions such as “heart to heart” and “A-Un-Breath” are also used in a similar way to “like-matched couples,” but not necessarily in terms of appearance or personality. The term “like-matched couples” is particularly unique in that it refers to couples who are similar in appearance, personality, and behavioral patterns.

This expression also has the positive nuance that the couple gets along well and is looking in the same direction. The word is familiar to many Japanese as it evokes a sense of compatibility and a deep bond.






  1. 君子危うきに近寄らず(A wise man keeps away from danger)

  2. 増税メガネ(glasses with tax-increasing lenses)

  3. 井の中の蛙大海を知らず(A frog in a well does not know the ocean)

  4. 知らんけど(I don’t know)

  5. 花より団子(Dumplings over flowers)

  6. 本当の友達(True friend)

  7. ドローン(Drone)

  8. 黙食(Silent Eating)

  9. 神ってる(Godlike)

  10. 顔に泥を塗る(Smear mud on the face)