仏作って魂入れず(Buddha statue has no soul)
















The proverb “hotoke Tsukuru Tamashii inai” (Buddha made without soul) refers to the state of things lacking in their essence and vitality. It contains the lesson that it is meaningless to make something look good unless it is imbued with soul and significance.

Origin of this proverb
The saying, “A Buddha is not complete until the soul is put into it,” is based on the idea that a Buddha statue is not complete until it has undergone an important ceremony in which the soul is put into it. A Buddha statue is simply a wooden or stone image in form only, and its significance as an object of faith is born when its soul is put into it. In other words, no matter how splendid the appearance of a statue, if it is not accompanied by a soul, its original purpose and value will not be fulfilled.

How this expression is used
The phrase “Buddha made but not the soul” is used in the following situations:

When only the form is prepared, but the essence is missing:
This expression is used when things are only formalized in appearance and form but lack substance and meaning. For example, even if you have prepared a splendid meeting room and materials, if the content of the meeting is not substantial, it may be described as “making Buddha but not putting his soul into it.

When key elements or final touches are missing:
It is also used when major preparations are in place for a project or job, but the most important part is missing. For example, this is the case when a building is completed but the necessary permits have not been obtained.
When efforts are only tokenistic and not heartfelt:

This term is also used when actions and attitudes are superficial and lacking in substance. For example, a congratulatory gesture or apology that is only expressed in formal words and actions, but not in the heart, may be criticized as “Buddha made with no soul.

Similar expressions
In the same way, “just for form’s sake” and “just for appearance’s sake” refer to a state in which only the appearance and formality are in place. Similarly, the phrases “a tiger with a tiger’s head” and “only a facade” refer to a state in which only the appearance is admirable, but there is no substance.

The proverb “Butsu zukuri de tamashii” is an admonition to only put up the surface of things, but not the essential substance and sincerity. In Japanese culture, “respect for essence and meaning” is emphasized, and an attitude of pursuing true value and sincerity, not just appearance, is required. This proverb teaches the importance of not being satisfied with mere form and appearance, but of putting meaning and soul into one’s work.






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  5. ボディイメージ障害(Body image disorder)

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